Wednesday, March 26, 2014

My laying flock

Here is my laying flock and they big dark one on the far right is my new buckeye rooster. His name is pancakes because they day I got him he stole my pancake from me... Now every time I have pancakes I bring him one I eat.

Photo of the day!!! 3-26-14

Im am going to keep myself on task now by doing a photo of the day. Every day I will add a new picture of my chickens to this blog. I will try I add some eith done funny captions daily too so just hold in there... 
Today picture is of the Cochins. Gotta love them and all their goofy antics they have. So small yet such a big attitude.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

ITS THAT THAT TIME OF YEAR AGAIN!!! Chick and egg know how.

Well it spring in the chicken world and it's in full swing. Well even though the weather has not been the best expecialy here in the northeast, people have already started thinking ahead. Chicks and eggs are on almost every chicken owners mind right now. When do I get them? When do I set them? How many will I get? All these are fairly easy to answer and many require some common sense. The biggest problem I've found lately from people is; "how many chicks and eggs do I want?" And "how many can I legally or physicaly own?" Well these are mostly common sense and based on your wants. How many you want you can answer without any knowledge of legal issues or physical needs. But when it comes to how many is legal or how many can I physically take care of well that's something your going to have to look into. If you already own chickens then you probably already know how many birds you can legally own. If not go to your town or city hall and find out there. Now how many you can physicaly have is based upon coop and run space and also how much time and money you can put towards the current birds and the new ones you want to buy COMBINED! Now that works the same for eggs but get a few eggs higher that you want to have to have room for unfertal or eggs that just won't hatch. Chicks should have a warm place to go to and if you hatch within 6 hours of hatching you have to put them in the brooder. Once the chicks are dry you should out them into the brooder. Now when you have chicks shipped or you hatch eggs you will normally have to teach them to eat and drink. Just lightly up their beak into he water (don't hold it under just a soft dip into and back out). That's how to raise your day old birds and be carefull, wash your hands and don't eat right after touching the birds. Common sence. 

Good luck 


Wednesday, March 19, 2014

About me!

Hi my name is Aaron Cook and i'm only 15. I am making this blog for many reasons and one of  the main reasons has to be how much I would like to help people raise their birds in the happiest and healthiest way possible. I will try and do and update everyday and I am doing this myself with no help. Maybe in a few months I can find a few willing sponsors that will let me have a giveaway or two. I will be adding a lot of pictures and add me on Facebook as a friend and also like my page. ( Aaron Cook and County Side Chickens). I personally own 15 birds currently and since its spring I feel a little hatch happy. Hope you decide to join me on the ride and lets together have happy chickens.

Happy chicken raising


Prolapsed Oviduct

Slightly prolapsed vent
So yesterday I went out to the coop to do my daily egg collecting and checking over of the flock. As I was collecting the eggs I seen one of the hens was acting a little strange and when I picked her up I realized why. She had a prolapsed oviduct! When a hen gets a prolapsed oviduct she has done one of a few things that would make it so the lower part of her oviduct turns inside out and protrudes
  1. hens that begin laying too young and or are underweight
  2. eggs that are too large
  3. older hens that may be obese
  4. a calcium deficiency
  5. not pooping for a long period of time, causing stress and stretching of the cloaca 


Healthy Vent
A prolapsed oviduct is not lethal to the hen if it is treated fast otherwise it could be very deadly. When treating this condition you should always be wearing proper gear. This means you will need:
  1. Rubber gloves
  2. Safety goggles 
  3. safety mask
You will also need some Preparation H hemorrhoid cream to reduce swelling inside the vent. When you first notice that a hen has a prolapsed oviduct then you should:
  2. put her in a dark crate with food and water
  3. Put on your safety gear and get your cream ready
To cure the condition she has follow the following steps:
  1. Have a clock or stopwatch handy
  2. Hold her securely and slowly and gently slide the prolapsed tissue that is outside of the vent back inside the vent.
  3. After the tissue is inside the vent hold it there for about 5 minutes to make sure it is in place (this is what the clock is for)
  4. After the 5 minutes are up put the Preparation H hemorrhoid cream gently around the outside and just inside the vent to relax the tissue.
  5. Put the hen back in the dark crate for 24 hours to discourage laying.

What to do if it keeps sliding out:

If the tissue is still protruding from the vent after a few tries of the treatment above then you should resort to the chicken diaper. This is meant to keep the tissue in and have it so the hemorrhoid cream has time to do its job. You should have the following supplies on hand for this:
  1. A helper
  2. Preparation H hemorrhoid cream
  3. A dressing pad (gauze pad)
  4. Self adhesive tape (NO GLUE!)
  5. Rubber gloves

How to make the chicken diaper:

  1. have your helper hold the bird securely (if you don't have a helper don't freak out you can do it by yourself)
  2. Take the dressing pad (gauze pad) and put some Preparation H cream on it
  3. Take the gauze and hold it firmly against the vent while the protruding tissue is in the vent
  4. Take the self Adhesive tape and wrap it around the hens body but under the wings.
  5. Wrap around the middle of the body 2 times and then wrap up under the butt area and without including tail feathers wrap to the top of body.
  6. Do 2-3 times
Only put the diaper on at night and take it off as soon as you possibly can in the morning incase she lays an egg! I will add photos to this post as soon as I get some.

Good luck!
